Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/jimly597/public_html/application/helpers/option_helper.php on line 38

Deprecated: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /home/jimly597/public_html/application/helpers/template_helper.php on line 375

Deprecated: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /home/jimly597/public_html/application/helpers/template_helper.php on line 376

Deprecated: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /home/jimly597/public_html/application/helpers/template_helper.php on line 376

Deprecated: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /home/jimly597/public_html/application/helpers/template_helper.php on line 402

Deprecated: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /home/jimly597/public_html/application/helpers/template_helper.php on line 410

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/jimly597/public_html/application/libraries/Image.php on line 77
Jaktv – Tokoh Kita Jimly Asshiddiqie Part 5 — Jimly School of Law and Government

Jaktv – Tokoh Kita Jimly Asshiddiqie Part 5

Jumat, 22 September 2017 Pkl. 18:37 WIB

Jimly Asshiddiqie, ketua umum Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Se-Indonesia (ICMI) yang dikenal sebagai pakar hukum tata negara dan mantan ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) ternyata pernah mengalami masa susah ketika kecil. Jimly harus membantu orangtua berdagang roti, es, dan pempek untuk bisa bersekolah. Tapi berkat keuletannya, Jimly dapat meraih gelar doktor dan penghargaan guru besar bidang hukum tata negara. Bagaimana pandangan Jimly tentang peran ICMI, perppu ormas, upaya efektif pemberantasan korupsi? Saksikan penuturannya dalam “Tokoh Kita” Jimly Asshiddiqie.